The Social Lookbook EP57 - @razliew
Razliew has been featured twice in our Social Lookbook, he will earn a random items from us in his next feature! The monochrome background let razliew really stood out in the whole picture. Great...
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The Social Lookbook EP56 - @vc_khor_
VC Khor is our feature of this week. In his photo, he showed us that indoor also can be a good place for pictures, with sufficient lighting and great pose, an amazing photo can be captured. Than...
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The Social Lookbook EP55 - @heyjonelleee
Jonelle caught our eyes with her photos which have a great composition. She perfectly brings out the story behind Mischief collections* which is making the entire photos look awesome. Great Job J...
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The Social Lookbook EP54 - @zi_rongg
Introducing Zi Rong who is our feature for this week. His photo took our eyes with a relaxed vibe, as the story of the Good Time At Ease collection. When your angel in you is sleeping and dreaming...
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The Social Lookbook EP53 - @josephchenxt
Our feature for this week is Joseph. His picture uses depth, which makes himself stand out from his surroundings. Overall, a great picture! How did you learn about Dr Mister? Dr Mister is my...
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The Social Lookbook EP52 - @leebin0613
Leebin was the runner-up in our Chinese New Year #drmisterfeat contest. He has continued to submit pictures to #drmisterfeat and his pictures are all great! How did you learn about Dr Mister? ...
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The Social Lookbook EP51 - @itsss_su03
Our feature this week is @itsss_su03. His picture has a perfect composition and uses leading lines to guide our eyes towards himself. Excellent picture! How did you learn about Dr Mister? I...
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The Social Lookbook EP50 - @aidenleeeeeee
Aiden is our feature this week. His picture has a great composition, showing how the rule of thirds can really help you take a great picture! Very well done. How did you learn about Dr Mister?...
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The Social Lookbook EP49 - @razliew
This week, we are featuring Raz, who has a great sense of style and photography. All of the pictures in his profile are taken professionally. He definitely deserves the feature this week. How ...
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The Social Lookbook EP48 - @louis.nggg
We're back this week with Louis. This picture was taken very professionally. His picture shows us that sometimes, the camera does not need to be focused on you for the picture to look amazing. ...
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